Download Sleep Seeker below

Please note this track is for your own personal use only. It cannot be copied, sold or exchanged. Use as a background track to a spoken meditation, guided meditation, hypnotherapy and similar disciplines is forbidden. This music is not licensed in any way for inclusion in your own work and is ID content protected and copyright protected.

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Spirit of summer is from my latest album, Secrets of summer. Find out more secrets below.

Secrets of Summer Double CD
Secrets of Summer Double CD

Secrets of Summer Double CD

Secrets of Summer is my fourth and most uplifting album. Exuding the unmistakable feeling of summertime, it lifts the spirit and warms the heart. Through a 2½ hour journey across 14 incandescent tracks, you will be entranced by its authentic, beautiful arrangements of heartfelt harmonies and melodies.

2020 inspired a novel direction for my music and Secrets of Summer became a vehicle for creative reinvention as I brought new virtual instruments into the light including innovative percussion and virtual instrumentation.

Woven into the fabric of Secrets of Summer is an eternal positivity, brimming with hope, appreciation and the ripest fruits of Mother Earth. 

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